Saturday, 16 February 2013

Testing Comfort Zones!

One of our activities last week even tested Little Boy Blues 'comfort zone'! 

Sensory Art Activity

This week I introduced a product that was not only new to Little Boy Blue but to myself too, PlayFoam! PlayFoam is made from tiny polystyrene balls that are coloured and stick together a bit like Rice Krispies mixed with melted marshmallows! It is also quite a 'clean' product to use so appealed to me due to the lack of mess. It can also be reused and apparently never dries out. Our 'kit' came with feathers, pom poms, goggly eyes, sticks, gems and pipe cleaners.

This did give me an idea for a Krispies & Marshmallows eatable sensory activity, so come back and see what I come up with.

Bugs & Beasties

A friend notified me of a ZooLab ( visiting our area and we booked into a session, it was for ages 5 to 12 years so unfortunately Little Boy Blue was too young to attend. Book Worm and Bug Boy had a great time especially Bug Boy, they held a Giant Millipedes & Hissing Cockroaches, touch a Gecko, Boa Constrictor & Monitor Lizard and got to see a Tarantula & Scorpion. Mummy however was a little less impressed but Bug Boy now wants a pet Giant Millipede, I suppose it beats the Giant (bat eating, poisonous) Scolopendra that he did want!

The Beach Isn't Just For Summer

We Scots are known for stripping down to our summer clothes at the first sign of sun but even we weren't that silly on a dry, sunny but winters day however we did head to the beach!

Daddy used this as an opportunity to give the boys a practical example on how irrigation works which is a subject they have been learning about while studying Ancient Mesopotamia in History. 

We also went for a paddle in the water (in wellingtons) and did some beach art.


Painting is one of the things I dread but I thought why not bite the bullet and go for it! So I set out some paints in tubs on the plastic table in the kitchen, we then painted some stones we gathered and on some paper. Then came the dilemma where to dry it but I think I came up with a great solution, what do you think?

While we were painting I discovered that even some things are beyond Little Boy Blues 'comfort zone'. I went to paint his hand to do hand prints, well you would have thought I'd slit his wrists instead of painting his hand the screams that came out of such a little fella!!! Mummy also didn't enjoy following the little painted fingers around the house as Little Boy Blue tried to do a runner. 

So it looks like Little Boy Blue may be more like his mother than I thought! 

Have you wondered what other activities can you do if your child doesn't like getting their hands dirty or mummy doesn't like them getting dirty? If you have followed my posts then you will know I generally look to do low mess activities and will continue to post about what we do but Mummyology a blog I follow also have a few suggestions: 

Enjoy x 


  1. EEk the bugs! Shudder!
    The play foam looks fun!

    1. I feel the same Aleacia but had to hold back my natural reaction to scream, lol.
