Sunday, 24 February 2013


Do you blog hop?

I do a bit of blog hopping! In this day and age who doesn't? Whatever the reason - looking for ideas, finding like minded people, making connections, to encourage fellow bloggers or to see whats happening outside my own 4 walls there is always something out there on the world wide web! 

Being a newbie at blogging I sometimes feel a little intimidated by other blogs but am never the less grateful and appreciative for the hard work that has gone into them. I have decided to do a regular feature reviewing blogs I follow and calling it Blogolicious! 

First up is a blog that I have followed for a long time:


This blog is by Carisa a mum to three kiddies (2 boys & 1 girl), a wife, a home schooler, a former school teacher in the US and part of a full time inner city missionary family. 


Carisa shares aspects of her family life and home school journey capturing it with some beautiful photography. She has used her teaching past to develop some wonderful resources a lot of which can be downloaded FREE (music to a home schooling mums ears)! All the printable resources are easy to download and explained well with posts of when and how Carisa and her family use them.

The blog is set out in an appealing easy to use format, the main categories are at the top of the home page which also drop down to give subcategories. As I said before there is a wealth of knowledge here and lots of content, there is a search option if you are looking for something specific or a search by category down the side.



The blog has adapted and grown over the years I have followed it, the aspects that draw me are: 

It follows a home schooling family.
Is filled with a wealth of knowledge and resources for educating your children.
Has organisational tips.
A hands on approach to learning. 

This blog has wide appeal and could be visited by home schooling mums, mums with toddlers/pre schoolers, childminders and teachers in school settings to mention a few.


1. Carisa openly shares her faith on her blog which if you don't share you may not look any further but please be open minded and look on. 

2. Make sure the first time you visit the site you have some free time to explore all that it has to offer as it is filled with lots of gems. 

3. WARNING - be prepared you will love, love, love her printable resources and want to download and print them all! Make sure you have plenty of paper and ink, lol.

I hope you enjoy Carisa's blog 1+1+1=1( ) as much as I do.

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